ABSAGE (update from 20.12.):
Due to the weather forecast (gusts of wind & rain) we unfortunately have to cancel the winter solstice celebration!
The winners of the (B)Angel Pass will be notified in mid-January!
On Friday 22nd December, traditions and customs enliven the longest night of the year: various Perchten and legendary figures from the "Wallersee perches" around the warming winter solstice fire at the lido. The celebration is accompanied by a mystical fire show accompanied.
*Mystical fire show by drumsonfire: at 6 pm
*Start of the torchlight procession of the Perchten: at 18:30
Free admission! Warming drinks and culinary delicacies are provided.
The Wallersee-Perchten, Drumsonfire and the TVB Seekirchen are looking forward to seeing you there!
We wish you a wonderful festive season!
The raffle of the Advent passes will take place after the Rauhnachtstreiben.
More info:
Seekirchen Tourist Office
Seekirchen Tourist Office
+43 6212 4035