A pleasant local walk around the Wartstein and the promenade around the Schlossberg to the Bajuwarengehöft awaits you on the Milleniumweg. You will pass wonderful villas that date back to the time of the imperial summer resorts. The Wartstein - as the northernmost point of the Alps - can be crossed or circumnavigated.
The Millennium Way can be divided into two parts. The Wartstein circular trail with a length of about 2 kilometres and the Schlossberg circular routewhich is considerably shorter. The connection of both paths crosses the market square. Altogether, you can plan a time of 1.5 to 2 hours for both circular routes. Along the two circular routes, a total of 38 information boards tell the story of thousands of years of natural and cultural history.
Route description Wartstein circular trail: The starting point is the market square in Mattsee. After the pharmacy, turn left onto Tassiloweg. Walk up this until you reach Burghard-Breitner-Weg (see 1 on the map). From here you have the option of following the Burghard-Breitner-Weg and continuing chronologically along the display boards, or you can turn immediately right onto the Wartstein. Both options pursue the same goal: the Wartstein Chapel. There you can enjoy a contemplative stop and an idyllic view over the Obertrumer See with a view of Seeham and the Mattseer Buchberg as well as a lovely distant view as far as the Untersberg. You can either return via the Wartstein along the information boards 9-12 or walk around the Wartsteinspitz and north along the Wartstein until you reach the market square again along Passauer Strasse.
Directions Schlossberg circular route: The trail leads from the centre of the village around the collegiate church in the direction of Mattsee Castle. Right at the beginning you pass the Stiftskeller restaurant, which invites you to stop for food and drink in its baroque garden with fountain and salettl. The path continues along the lake promenade and once around the castle. If you want to get up to the castle and don't want to miss the information boards 8 and 9, you need a certain amount of sure-footedness, as the path is partly made up of many stone steps (be careful with small children!). You are rewarded here with a great view of the centre of Mattsee and Weyer Bay, which is the destination of the circular walk. At Weyerbucht you will find a barefoot parkour, a Kneipp facility, a great children's playground and the Bajuwarengehöft, an open-air museum that illustrates how the Bajuwaren used to live in Mattsee. After the Weyerbucht, the quickest way is back to the starting point, where a visit to the local bakery and confectionery Neuhofer or the Kapitelwirt is highly recommended at the market square.
Millenium Directions with Wartstein and Schlossberg
Parking space: North car park, Weyerbucht (chargeable)
Directions: Millennium Trail approx. 3.5 km, walking time approx. 1.5 - 2 hours, trail up the Wartstein and the Schlossberg - partly with stairs
WC: Public WC in the Weyer Bay
Sightseeing: 38 display boards about the natural and cultural history of the market community Mattsee, the hike can also be combined with a visit to the fahr(T)raum, Abbey Museum or with a Seenland boat trip.
Public transport: Bus stop Mattsee town centre