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Fabrics Mushrooms

At the Stoffenbauernhof in the Schleedorf suburb of Edt, Sebastian Reindl and Lisa Fuchs have been building Rose, lemon and oyster mushrooms in the old fruit cellar of the farm.

After a study visit to China, Sebastian came up with the idea of bringing these tasty edible mushrooms to Austrian plates as well. Despite the simple preparation, the healthy ingredients and the resource-saving cultivation method, these mushrooms are still little known in Central Europe. In nature, they decompose old wood and, in the case of the oyster mushroom, are also found in Austrian forests. The slightly fleshy consistency has given the oyster mushroom the nickname "veal mushroom". The mushrooms are grown on organic straw from the surrounding area and in careful manual labour. As one of only a few farms in Austria, "Stoff'n" Bio-Edelpilze also produces the fruiting bags themselves.

The mushrooms can be sent by e-mail to office@stoffn.at or via Whatsapp/SMS to 0664/75093604 can be pre-ordered and collected from the self-service fridge in Edt 4. Lisa and Sebastian are also looking forward to introducing interested people to the exciting world of mushroom cultivation. Workshops on the subject will also be offered in the future.  

Further information and various recipes are available on the homepage www.stoffn.at.


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